Eden Church Penarth and Stanwell Road Baptist Church have a vision to come together as One New Church with many expressions. We are acting together to see that vision become reality.

Our Values...

Being & Making Disciples

Matthew 28:19-20. As You Go, Make Disciples!

  • We believe that we are called to be more and more like Jesus. We must therefore take up whatever spiritual disciplines are necessary to achieve this.
  • This can never be achieved in isolation; we must work together – as a church and in partnership with others – to reach out to all people regardless of their present relationship with Christ to help them become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
  • This calls for a ‘Focused Obedience’ to the Word of God as we learn, and enable others to learn, ‘to Love God with all our Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength’.
Confidence in the Gospel

Romans 1:16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes:

  • We have confidence in the good news of Jesus. The fundamental message of the Gospel is that God loves People. We intend to do all we can to tell all kinds of people of this in all manner of ways in and through our everyday lives.
  • We serve a sending God who: sent his Son into the world that we might be saved; sent his Spirit that we might be empowered to do his will; and sends his Church to be a living demonstration of his love and compassion for all mankind. We must live under and live out this commission and always seek to go in his name rather than sit back and invite people to come to us and to our meetings.
  • We will be particularly aware of those commissioned to go to particular communities or countries and seek to support them, practically and in prayer.
Servant Hearted Leadership

1 Peter 5:2 Be Shepherds of God’s flock.

  • Building Missional Churches calls for leadership that is anointed, visionary, courageous, humble, consistent, full of faith. We see the need for servant hearted generals who impart passion and vision.
  • We see the need for visionary leadership which provides energy and creativity In all areas of church life,. This is not the preserve of elders.
  • There is always a need to raise up new leadership and so the need for leadership identification, training and support.
Engagement Wherever We Live, Work and Travel

Matthew 5:13,14 “You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world”

  • The Gospel is to transform every area and aspect of society through God’s people. This calls us to live a life that is welcoming, inclusive and forgiving and places a high value on friendship. It means that we must be accessible and relevant for all generations, and seek to strengthen family and community life, forming and keeping meaningful relationships.
  • As well as seeking to meet the needs of those around us, we also seek to engage our local communities in meeting the needs of others – in Wales and throughout the World.
  • Recognising the heart of God, we will always be concerned with justice and seek to serve the poor and marginalised.
  • We commit ourselves to walk together in ways known and ways yet to be known and to watch over one another in love.
A commitment to seeing Heaven on earth

Luke 17:21. “the kingdom of God is among you”

  • God entrusted the work of the Kingdom to human beings in creation, breathing his Holy Spirit into us to enable us to enjoy spiritual intimacy with him and providing us with the supernatural resources we needed to fulfill this Kingdom calling. This intimacy in the Holy Spirit was lost in the fall, but has been restored to us through Jesus’ life among us, his ministry, death, resurrection and outpouring of the Holy Spirit ever since Pentecost. Through his first disciples he commissioned his church to continue his Kingdom mission and ministry until he returns. In anticipating his return, we pray ‘Your Kingdom Come’ We are called to live as Kingdom people – recognising who we are: valued and loved by God our creator, who has a purpose for each of our lives and anoints and empowers us to be change agents in the lives of those around us and in the world in which we live.
  • We will be confident in His power to heal, set free, and change lives.
  • We will give ourselves to Worship in ways that are inspiring, passionate, intimate, culturally appropriate and facilitates encounter with God.

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