Eden Church Penarth and Stanwell Road Baptist Church have a vision to come together as One New Church with many expressions. We are acting together to see that vision become reality.

Our Mission

Through love, care, support, relationship, trust, hard work, perseverance, and with the aim of bringing life and vibrancy to the communities in which we live, we as a Church are committed to serving the people of Penarth and Wales. DV.

Eden Church focuses on serving the local community of Penarth. We hold regular family services and community meetings like most other churches and we currently meet on Sunday evenings in Stanwell Road Baptist Church.

As well as the existing events, meetings and programmes that we run we are looking to network with, help develop and support other initiatives that bring life and vibrancy to communities in which we live.

We recognise that Church can often be a confusing place to visit, our aim is to break down these barriers and present Jesus and his message to everyone in a way that is real, relevant and easy to understand. We believe that the best way to do this is by adopting a serving attitude in the relationships we have with our family, friends and neighbours.

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